All-in-One WP Migration Import Stuck Solved

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Reviewed by Durr E Adan

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Migrating a WordPress site is no easy task. It can either be done manually, which requires some advanced skills or with a migration plugin.

If you are reading this article, there is a good chance that you encountered the All-in-One WP migration import stuck error during the export or import process.

This process has to be done meticulously to make sure everything goes right. It’s a vital step for your site if you intend to move it elsewhere. So it makes sense that the migration has to be perfect to avoid any data corruption or data loss.

Unfortunately, on some occasions, the migration process can get stuck during the export, or you will be unable to import. Mostly because of one of the following reasons:

  • The free version doesn’t allow importing big backup files
  • Timeout issues
  • Server space saturated

But rest assured, in this guide, I’ll show you exactly how you can fix all in one wp migration import problem. So let’s get started!

Solution #1: Download the Plugin with 2000GB limit

To save you time, here is an old version of the plugin that I increased its upload limit myself. This will allow you to upload files up to 2 TB.

Yes, you heard me right, that’s over 1000 GB 🙂

Once you are done with the plugin, remember to update it to a newer version or delete it.

Solution #2: Install and Edit old version of plugin – 6.7

If you want to edit the plugin yourself, then this solution is for you.

So, the second solution to try would be to use the restore feature of the plugin to import your backup. But this feature isn’t available in the free version of All in One wp migration plugin.

This is why we are going to use an “old version of the plugin” that will allow you to use the restoration feature. Here are the simple steps to install it:

  • First, Delete your current version of All-in-one migration plugin
  • Second, Download the older version of “All-in-on WP Migration Plugin 6.7”
  • Third, Upload your zip file through your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin

Basically, the following process consists of 3 major steps:

1. Export your WordPress website backup .wpress file

Start by exporting your backup file. When the export finishes, you’ll get a .wpress file.

all-in-one migration export

Keep in mind that this step may take a long time, depending on how big the size of your site is.

all-in-one migration export

NOTE: In some rare cases, if you get an error with all in one wp migration stuck at 100 % during the export, then I recommend you skip this step for now and start applying Solution 3 and Solution 4. After that’s done, you can go back to this step and attempt the export once again.

2. After you download the backup file, upload the .wpress file to your new server through FTP

After you download your .wpress file, it is time to upload it to the new server.

You can either upload it by FTP through Filezilla or better I recommend directly from within your hosting file manager, this method allows for a way faster upload.

Connect to your hosting panel, and click on File Manager.

File manager cPanel

Assuming you have already installed All in One wp migration plugin at your new server, then navigate to wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ directory and upload your file there.

ai1wm backups ftp

NOTE: if you don’t know how to navigate directly in your FTP, then you can use the File Manager plugin which will allow you to access your server’s directories from your WordPress dashboard interface.

3. Use the restore feature to install the .wpress file on your site

Once the .wpress file is successfully uploaded inside the ai1wm-backups directory, you’ll need to download the older version of the plugin so you can use the restore feature.

So if you already have installed the newest version of the plugin, delete it and upload the old plugin version provided above.

upload all in one migration

If you go to Backups settings, you’ll be able to find a new backup file you uploaded earlier, all that is left for you to do is to click the Restore button.

all in on migration backups

After you initiate the restoration process, you’ll get a popup notifying you that your current site data will be overwritten with the new restoration. Click on Proceed.

all in one migration proceed

Now that your backup restoration has finished. You have one more thing left to do, which is to update your permalink settings. Basically you just need to save them again, and your migration process will be completed.

all in one migration permalinks

4. Your backup file size is too big?

warning maximum upload file size limit

Sometimes, if the file that you’re trying to import exceeds the maximum upload file size of the free version of the plugin, here is what you can do to bypass this limit:

STEP 1: Open the Plugin Editor

From your left menu, go to Plugins and click on Editor.

edit all in one wp migration plugin

STEP 2: Select Your Plugin

Among the list of plugins, select All-in-one WP migration

select migration plugin for edit

STEP 3: Open constants.php file

Once you have selected your plugin, you should be able to see on your right a PHP file called “constants.php”, click on it, because that’s where we will increase the upload limit.

edit constants php file

STEP 4: Edit the constants.php file

Scroll down to find a line with a comment of “Max File Size“, it should be on line 284. If you can’t find it there, then just search for the comment “Max File Size” with “Ctrl + F” and you should be able to find it.

increase max file size upload for migration plugin

Once there, replace 28 with a higher number like 32 (increasing the number by one will double the size)

Click on Update File. And Voila!!

maximum upload limit increased

NOTE: Some people make the mistake of using the all-in-one wp migration pro nulled version to try to bypass this issue. I highly advise against using nulled plugins, as they will pose a security risk to your site.

Solution #3: Disk quota exceeded in cPanel

One of the reasons why you might not be able to generate a new backup of your site is that your disk space is full. Therefore, you need to clear some space for it in order to create your backup file.

delete media files from wordpress

This problem can easily happen if you are adding content to your site on a regular basis. The two main causes to watch out for are the uploads (media) directory which contains files such as (images, audio, documents, videos, etc.) and the backup directory which contains all your website backups.

delete .wpress backups

I have created a dedicated guide for this matter on how you can free more disk space on your hosting account.

Solution #4: Hosting Limitations

This happens because of the time limitation set by default in your hosting account settings.

Timeout issues

Basically, this means that your hosting has a maximum time limit for how long a request should last. Let’s say “exporting a backup” takes an hour to be completed and your server’s maximum execution time is only 20 minutes, then this will likely cause a timeout error.

The bigger the size of your website, the more time it will need to generate the .wpress file.

Sometimes the time to generate the file can take long. That’s why it is best to increase the time limitation on your server. There are two ways you can increase this limitation:

  • Editing .htaccess file
  • Editing wp-config.php

To edit the mentioned files, you can do it from your hosting file manager. Sometimes the htaccess file is hidden by default, so you need to select this option to make it visible.

Show htaccess cPanel


php_value upload_max_filesize 256M

php_value post_max_size 256M

php_value memory_limit 256M

php_value max_execution_time 300

php_value max_input_time 300

Change the numbers to the values you need. Keep in mind that the first three lines are related to memory values in Megabytes. As for the last two lines, they represent values in seconds. So increase them if you feel that it’s necessary to do.


@ini_set( ‘upload_max_filesize’ , ‘256M’ );

@ini_set( ‘post_max_size’, ‘256M’);

@ini_set( ‘memory_limit’, ‘256M’ );

@ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, ‘300’ );

@ini_set( ‘max_input_time’, ‘300’ );

Server Firewall

Sometimes the reason can be the blockage of your hosting’s firewall, like ModSecurity which prevents the migration from going through.

So in this case, what you want to do is reach out to your web hosting support and ask them to add a rule to whitelist your hosting account in their firewall.

NOTE: ModSecurity is an Apache module that operates as a web application firewall to protect your sites from malicious attacks.

Solution #5: Use Free Migration Service

In some cases, some of these problems are caused because some web hosting companies set limitations on their servers.

Unfortunately, some of these limitations cannot be changed simply because the hosting company wishes to save on its server’s resources. That’s why it’s essential that you choose a web hosting that doesn’t impose these kinds of limitations on its users.

NOTE: Most of hosting providers offer new users to migrate their site(s) for free. So, you want to take advantage of that.

For this purpose, I highly recommend Cloudways for the following reasons:

  • They offer a Free Migration Service, which means you don’t have to do a thing, they take care of everything for you.
  • Cloudways has HTTP/3 Supported Servers, which means you can transfer files like .wpress at a high speed.
  • On top of all, Cloudways offers Free Backups, Free SSL on their plans, so those are fewer expenses that you’ll have to worry about.
  • They have Built-in Server Cache, so your site is guaranteed to run faster than most other web hosts.
  • Cloudways offers High-Quality Support along with the most reliable security in the web hosting industry.


I have used Duplicator plugin in the past and I think that it’s a good alternative in case you are considering a new backup and migration plugin.

IMPORTANT: Once you have finished the migration, remember to either update it or delete the old version of the plugin. Leaving it, might expose your site to vulnerabilities.

With that said, I hope this article helped you solve your problem!

If you are still facing any issues with your migration, do let me know in the comment section and I will help you in the best way I can 🙂

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297 thoughts on “All-in-One WP Migration Import Stuck Solved”

  1. This page saved me once again. Thank you so much!! Perhaps I’m just unlucky but this Ai1 plugin never works for me properly despite trying on completely different websites hosted on different servers.

  2. Could you update the post slightly? The plugin editor seems to have been moved under the ‘Tools’ section instead of the ‘Plugins’ section

  3. Magnifico articulo me fue de gran utilidad, pude resolver mi problema con la 1 solución. Muchísimas gracias, un saludo!

  4. Nothing works in my case, sad. Currently have 6GB WordPress file to restore and already have the pro version of the All in One plugin.

    Here’s the progress: after the “Activating mu plugins…” status, I’m stuck at “Restoring database… 0% complete”. And so I’ve checked the front-end site, the error is “Error establishing database connection”.

    Any other tips, solutions for this?

    • So Riz, just to be sure, your migration has an file upload limit above the 6GB?

      And how are you trying to upload the .wpress file? is it through FTP or directly from your PC?

      • Hi there, yes, it’s unlimited.

        I’ve uploaded the .wpress file though FTP and then Restore the backup through the plugin.

        • I’m assuming you have placed the .wpress file in the right folder of the backup plugin as shown in the tutorial.

          If Yes, what’s the size of .wpress file marked inside your plugin? Does it say 6GB?

          Also, have you increased the PHP values limitations of your hosting? (makes sure you create a file to check the values)

          • Yep, it’s 5.91 GB to be exact.

            And yes, the php.ini file has been adjusted:
            php_value memory_limit 8000M
            php_value upload_max_filesize 8000M
            php_value post_max_size 8000M
            php_value max_execution_time 0

            I’ve even set this on .htaccess as well.

          • But when you create a phpinfo file, does it reveal the same values you set inside the file?

            Another thing, sometimes the hosts have a database size limitation, so it would be useful to know how much of those 5.91GB your database size is?

            In case you don’t know how to do it, you can access your cPanel -> PHPMyAdmin -> Export dumb file sql (you’ll get the real size then)

  5. Hello, thanks for this post.
    I think I had a problem that can be added to this post :
    Because I have the free version of ai1wpm (v.7.79), I wanted to import my previously saved backup in order to restore it.
    But I got stock at 100%.
    The problem was that I left the backup in “backups”. It seems that name conflict was the problem.
    The solution was simply delete the stored backup before importing it for restore.
    Thank you for us in advance 🙂

    • Thank you so much Atmadja for sharing your solution with us. Indeed, this will be really useful to other users 🙂

      Just to confirm, you said you alread had a .wpress file in the folder ai1wpm-backups, so you deleted the .wpress file and imported a new one?

      • Yeah, that’s what i did and it worked.
        But when i tried to repeat the operation a second time, i still get stuck at 100%…
        I tried many manipulations without success, so i had to use your technique with an older version of ai1wm.
        Still don’t know what was the problem…

        • That’s really good to know. Much appreciate Atmadja. You might not know this, but thanks to your comment, it will help a lot of people 🙂

          Thank you once again for having taken the time to share your experience with us, and glad that it got sorted out for you ^^

    • I had it stuck at 100% but there was nothing in my folder. I then downloaded an older version uploaded the backup to the folder and hit restore which is free in the older version.
      It seems to me that since they were not getting a lot of sales they disabled the restore button in the free version and put a bug so that it gets stuck for large files or randomly gets stuck and hoping they can force us to buy the paid version.

  6. I always see this error message while trying to restore the backup file “Unable to retrieve status of the import. Is your server running?”

  7. Hi, I wanted to thank you for such useful information.
    I have followed all your steps and after importing the backup I have an error in the database and now I have no access to the admin part both on hostig and on wordpress itself.

    If you want to know more about the steps, I created a backup in another account in wordpress and now I tried to transfer it to another account, then I downloaded and activated the plugin, changed the max file size and now I have what I described above.

    • Did you check the other comments, there are some other useful suggestions you might find there, like first, what do the error log files say?

  8. This was such a helpful resource. It helped me install my WordPress file in a matter of minutes. I’ve been stressing for hours trying to troubleshoot the problem and waiting even longer to receive tech support. But this was such an amazing guide

  9. I was having the issue “Cannot read Files while importing Using WP Migration”:
    1) Deleted the new version.
    2) Download and Activated the version 6.7 given above in Solution#1.
    Thanks for the Help Brother…

  10. How long should I expect the restoration to take? My .wpress file is under 350megs. Using the newest plugin, the process stalled at 32%. Then I found your explanation and the restoration stalled at 30%. When I refreshed the page to stop the process, I broke the WP install. I’m thinking about trying again but am wondering if that’s just folly. Any thoughts?

    • Sorry for the late response Adam. To answer your question, it really depends on the hosting’s server on which you’re uploading the .wpress file, some hosts unlike other have slow FTP upload speed.

      But if you need a rough estimation, it should take less than an hour.

      On which hosting are you trying to upload your file?

  11. Amazing! your tutorial and guide is very clear as day light. Hoping to see more tuts like this, by following website. Thank you so much for a very big help.

  12. i am seriously grateful for this article, you just saved me from a serious heart attack, a backup of 3gb has been giving me headache after i have already cleared the website content, thanks a lot, it currently importing now

  13. What am i doing wrong? I keep getting this message.

    Unable to import
    Unable to open file for reading. File: /home/u840900416/domains/

  14. Hello I uploaded my websites backup file through the file manager an after upload done the backup appeared on my site dashboard I tried restoring it but it got stuck at 57% when I tried again it when to 68% ,90% but never reached 100 % it keep getting stucked an decreasing then later increase an get stuck , the file size is 635mb the all in in migrate space is unlimited don’t know what’s wrong

  15. I am surprised that so many people ignore the hard work of the developers of this plugin instead of contributing to its innovation. The end result will be an unsupported and outdated plugin that eventually stops working. Try and contribute to WordPress development.

  16. Hey bro. You are a lagend. I was searching this for a month and found it today. My issue is resolved now. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your work. Once again many thanks

  17. Thank you so much,this really helped after import option failed at 87% numerous times
    I uploaded backup using ftp on new server then used the old version migration plugin to restore

  18. I just moved back over to Hostgator after moving away for years. Now my backup file is stuck on 100% even though the file size is only half of the limit. All In One WP Migration support sounded pissed off at Hostgator and offered no solution.

    I’d sure appreciate a viable option that is not crazy complicated. Will your prior version with ftp solution be the way to go or is there something simpler?


      • Well, I followed the process with the older versin of ALL In One Wp migration but had not set set WordPress to debug mode. Got passed the 100% uploaded stall out error and made it to 67% restoring database before freezing. It totally hosed the WP website.

        So, did a fressh install of WordPress and went through all of the steps only this time first turning on debug mode in the wpconfig file. This time it made to 87% restoring database before freezin. Now the EP installation is completely currupted again and will need to reinstall again.

        This really sucks as I have so many websites backed with this plugin but now am afraid to rely on it any more. Need to find a better pluging option.

        Meanwhile I guess I will need to restore website on my bluehost account then find a different way to migrate it over to Hostgator. It is so frustrating as this should be the easy step to restore a website but has become a nightmare.

        Thanks for your article as it was helpful and explains some of the issurs.

        • Actually, the plugin is reliable, it’s just that there are so many variables (site attributes, hosting, etc…) out there that may prevent the migration to be fully completed.

          Try to go through the comments you may be able to find one of the users who have faced the exact issue.

          Also, it is worth mentioning that HostGator offers a free migration service within the first 30-days of signup, so perhaps you want to take advantage of that and give it a shot.

  19. Greatly Helped! Thank you so much. Just a little hurdle I faced my file size was 581mb unfortunately, and plugin 6.7 supports 512mb. So, I searched for more older version with unlimited support. This worked for me 🙂

  20. Thank you for this, particularly the idea of downgrading to get the file uploaded from FTP. It’s fair that the devs of this plugin seek money by making whatever features they want into premium, but the free version is useless if it fails to import files (the only way to restore with the latest version of All-In-One WP Migration).

        • Perhaps the database is big, you want to increase the max_execution_time have you tried doing that?

          Can you let us know the total size of your .wpress file?

          To which hosting provider are you trying to migrate to? Because initially they put various limitations for the upload.

          • i have a back up of my website i think like 13GB, and i’m using the restoring backup feature and i’m stuck at 97%.

          • If the initial backup file is in your old server, if you are on a VPS you can try to transfer it via ssh. Otherwise, it would help to know which hosts are involved in your migration attempt to recognize the kind of limitations related to them.

  21. Hi there, I’ve been pulling my hair at this problem for a couple days. Using A2 Hosting and have a fresh installation of WordPress. The upload works fine, it’s only after uploading is where it gets stuck when trying to unpack. “unpacking archive 0% complete”. I even tried restoring from backup and same thing.

    • Did you try only one of the steps or every single one of them?

      Because some steps might work for you and might not work for other, and vise versa.

      • I have some good and bad news for you.

        Good news: my backup file itself was corrupted which is why the plugin wouldn’t unpack. To verify it’s not corrupted, go to plugin backups, click the 3 dot menu and click list. If it reads the backup that means it’s not corrupted. I uploaded it again using SFTP and now the unpacking worked.

        Bad news: Getting a different error now after it hits 100% (Unable to export Out of disk space) even though my hosting service has unlimited disk space. I’m looking into it.

        • To which host did you migrate to? Try to increase the max_file_size limit like it was instructed in this tutorial.

          Preferably try using all the mentioned methods for it.

  22. Well, this by far is the best solution I have found. I have read through the comments and have not seen anyone going from WPEngine to GoDaddy. I got stuck with #1 at 93% Complete on “Restoring 18667 files”: new to the whole WP thing. That seems like a ton of files. Maybe it’s not stuck and just needs more time to finish, but it seems stuck.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    • Hello Dan,

      Why would you go from WPEngine to Godaddy? You’ll get a lot of headaches with that host. So you know the reasons why we don’t recommend Godaddy, here is a in-depth review about it.

      By the way, did you try Solution 3 to increase the queries execution time?

      Godaddy has a lot of limitations, and this could be one of them. If that doesn’t work, try to upload through FTP the .wpress file directly to your site folder in godaddy server and then try to import the backup again, it will go much quick there.

      • Haha, because I did not know any better. The move was happening because I was working with a company that wanted to move away from their current web/IT situation. I thought it best, but I will now stay with WPEngine. Thanks for the intel.

  23. Thank you, you are a Life Saver Sir 🙂

    Been trying to upload the site to a client server from my staging server since last week. But the All In One Plugin was always getting stuck at 50%

    Your first solution worked perfectly for me.

    Thank you once again.

  24. This page so saved me today as I tried migrating from one hosting provider to another!!! I was stuck with the export from one host freezing partway through. Then also when trying to import to the next host, it was freezing there, too. I used Solution #1 with success. I’m sooo appreciative of this documentation!!!! Thank you!

  25. It will be a crime if I don’t say thanks to you! I have tried to migrate my site form local to live since 2 days with all in one recent version. Every time it stucked on 29%. I did try hundred times but got same result. Then i have migrate manually but lot of features missed in live server, site was not same as localhost. I did try to fix it with all possible way. It mad me completely! Then i have found this, and at one chance its done 🙂

    Thank you !

  26. Hello, thanks for the guide.
    I’m migrating from a shared hosting to a self-hosted VPS (Vultr).
    I tried changing the file size and the execution time but it’s still showing “Unable to import”.
    The file size is 800Mb and prior to this site, I successfully migrated another site with a size around 400Mb and didn’t encounter any issues.

  27. Genius! I initially thought it was just a version issues so i installed using the Zip file and tried again and got the Max Size limitation error and you’re a godsend to have a tutorial on how to increase the upload size too!! This saved me. Kudos to you, my friend

  28. Hi there,

    Thanks so much for this article. I was stuck with the All In One Migration Plugin and read many posts trying to fix this. Your post was the only one that worked for me and was so easy to follow.

    Keep up the great work.


  29. Hi great article
    don’t know if you can help, but maybe a suggestion
    I used the article and the old version of the plugin as suggested and it all seemed to work well, until I tried to save the permalinks.
    I received the following Warnings
    woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-blocks/src/StoreApi/deprecated.php on line 9
    on every line through to line 67

    and another Warning
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/ in /home/customer/www/ on line 1421

    I am trying to work our GA4 on a staging site. I am starting over after messing up the first attempt which was no problem to import.

    I have no clue whether it is a woocommerce issue or an import issue. Your article got me past the stuck at 100% stage. I appreciate the effort and knowledge imparted.

    any suggestions welcome

    best regards Rick

    • Hi Rick,

      I’ll be glad to help you 🙂

      This seems like an incompatibility issue related to Woocommerce. What you need to do is:

      • 1. Make sure to check and update your WordPress, Woocommerce, and all of your plugins.
      • 2. Normally, Woocommerce will show you a notification message at the top saying that you need to update your woocommerce database. So you need to go through that too.
      • 3. Afterwards, go to WP Dashboard > WooCommerce > Status > scheduled actions. Go to the pending section, and run any pending action as well.

      Once the above is done, you can try again with resaving your permalinks. Let me know how it goes!

      PS: If you have any caching plugins or on the server level, you want to deactivate them during this process.

  30. Sadly I’m getting the same result

    Restoring database…
    98% complete

    I backed up before an upgrade and don’t have another export (yikes!)

    Any ideas what I can do if anything?

      • Can you turn the debug-mode “ON” inside wp-config.php, try the migration again, and let us know this time what kind of error message you’re getting inside your log file?

        • Dont see my reply from the other day so I apologise if it is duplicate.
          After turning debug ON this is what I get on my localsite and live server.

          [09-Jul-2022 17:21:13 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RedisCachePro\Exceptions\PhpRedisMissingException: Object Cache Pro requires the PHP extension PhpRedis 3.1.1 or newer. The PhpRedis extension is not loaded in this environment (cgi-fcgi). If it was installed, be sure to load the extension in your php.ini and to restart your PHP and web server processes. in C:\Users\Milan\Local Sites\testing\app\public\wp-content\mu-plugins\redis-cache-pro\src\Connectors\PhpRedisConnector.php:40

          I am trying to move a website from Cloudways to Hostinger.

          • Go to your cloudways settings in “Manage services”, and disable “Varnish cache”. Also if you are using a caching plugin on your site you want to clear it and then disable it, and then retry with the migration.

            By the way, if you find this too difficult, as a reminder, if you have already purchased a hosting plan with Hostinger, you are eligible to request a free migration from Hostinger support, you can do so by following this short guide:

            By the way, what is the total size of your .wpress file?

          • Unfortunately I don’t have an access to Cloudways, just file alone that was sent to me, which is 530mb.

            And this is the only way I can upload site to the new hosting. :/

          • In this case, since you have access to the .wpress file, try to upload it directly to Hostinger through FTP inside the all-in-one wp migration folder located at: wp-content/ai1wm-backups

            Transfering this file to FTP might take a few hours, but once it’s completely there on the server, then you’ll be able to migrate your site within seconds/minutes.

          • Out of all people its not working for me. 🙁

            Still stuck. Now at 92%.

            Thanks for the help anyway!

  31. Thanks so much for your detailed tutorial on how to resolve the timeout issue with the WP All-In-One Migration plugin. There is nothing worse than migrating a client’s website only to have the process stalled by a plugin issue. Kudos and much success in the future.

  32. Hi,
    Thnx for providing this very valuable info!! Helped me a lot, other blogs write similair, but this one is complete, incl. download link!

    • Thank you Cornelis!

      That was the point behind this tutorial, is to make it as detailed as possible to help as many people as possible 🙂

  33. Thank you very much friends, of the many ways I tried to fail, method 2) Solution #1: All in one wp migration stuck at 100% or less very cool, once again thank you very much, I hope you are always healthy.

  34. I’m trying to import the only backup I have to a new domain, I solved the size issue, but it always gets stuck below 50% after about 90 sec.
    I tried every solution out there and it’s not working, when I try to use the older version solution, it says that I need to pay in order to restore the backup file.
    Would really appreciate some advice. TIA

  35. i usually dont leave any comments but i had to for this one.
    big thank you for easy and detailed step by step explanation.
    you truly saved my life.

  36. Thanks for this, you have just saved a soul here, will definitely share this article with my friends. I have a question, can i update the all in one wp migration? cause am done with the steps and it worked but the plugin is telling me to update it since am using the older version.

    • I’m glad that my tutorial solved your problem Ernny (^_^) Thank you for the kind words!

      About your question, yes, you should definitely update the plugin, or better yet delete it if you no longer intend to use it, as it has served its purpose.

      • Please the last website i wanted to back up can’t upload because the file size is 1.2 gig. Your tutorial here said we should edit plugin editor but there’s no plugin editor in my WordPress admin.

        • Normally there is, it’s just that for some sites it’s not appearing because that feature is disabled from your wp-config.php file.

          In order to activate access the very same file and make sure the following line has the value “False” in it:
          define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false );

    • Thank you so much Jude for your beautiful words 🙂 Your feedback only motivates me to work even harder.

      Your message made my day !!

  37. I got a problem while restoring my backup using All in one WP. The restore gets stuck at 83%. Have enabled debug and the error message I am getting is “[18-Jan-2022 14:57:47 UTC] PHP Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. (WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.) in C:\usbwebserver_Griscom\root\wp-includes\update.php on line 175″
    What could be the problem?

    • Hi Charles,

      I see that you running your WordPress site on your Windows localhost. In that case, you can try the following:

      Locate the “php.ini” file, and look for:

      Remove the semicolon at the beginning before the text to activate the above extension. Once that’s done, you can restart your server. Hopefully this will solve it! Let me now how it goes 😉

  38. very interesting info about this plugin!
    i have this issue: All in One plugin says: input is limited to 64 MB but i set the input limit with my host to 512 MB fot this domain and they confirmed that it is indeed 512 MB; why does the input function of the plugin says: max file size for upload is 64 MB ??

  39. Hi, What if I’m moving from to
    Should I do any change in backup file? It stuck in 91% and backup file in nearly 2GB

    • Hey Lim 🙂

      After you successfully import your backup file, you should update your permalinks.

      However, since your backup file got stuck at 91% I would redo the procedure all over again, even if it gets stuck at 99%. All it takes is one corruption in a WordPress entry in the database, to miss up a few things in your site.

      9% missing from your 2GB, that’s equivalent to 180mb of data, that’s a lot of data man, it could be images, articles, settings, anything!

      So my answer to your question, you should definitely restart again! and let me know how it goes!

      • I asked hosting support for a help. They transfer it over. After migration I had few errors like:
        Warning: require(/usr/share/php/wp-stack-cache.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/*****/domains/* on line 31
        To fix this I renamed wp-stack-cache.php to wp-stack-cache.php_old and was able to login.

        • Thank you for keeping me on the loop Lim.

          I’m happy to hear that it was all sorted out at the end.

          If you don’t mind me asking, May I know in which hosting provider you had this error on?

  40. I followed your steps using backup, and saving paramlinks. migrated successfully with original pages and posts but when open the website it still give me the the initial home not the current.

    • Hello Mohammad,

      Try adding the following lines of codes in your wp-config.php file:


      Let me know if this works

  41. Thank you very much. I switched hosting companies and really needed to use the all in one plugin. Adding the ‘storage’ folders did the trick.

  42. Merci !
    Je galerais bien avec mon site que je vais devoir mettre en production dans qq jours. j’ai jamais réussi avec Duplicator, d’habitude All-in-one wp migration, aucun souci, mais là je sais pas pourquoi, ça n’allait pas.
    Bref, cet article m’a sauvé la vie !
    Mais du coup, comme le plugin n’est pas dans sa derniere maj, il faut le désinstaller une fois qu’on en a fini avec lui ?

    • Merci Aline pour ton commentaire! Ca se trouve que je parle le français aussi 😉

      Ca me fait vraiment plaisir d’apprendre que tu as pu résoudre ton problème pour de bon!

      Concernant ta question, oui il faut absolument désinstaller le plugin une fois fini avec la migration (peu importe qu’il soit à jour ou pas, il n’a plus aucune utilité maintenant, puisqu’il a servi son but).

  43. Thank you very much indeed!
    I tried many ways of increase max size upload but none did change default values of the import plugin. I think is because GCP limit it according to my small features contracted. Solved with your Solution #1

  44. My import stucks at “done preparing blogs” and then nothing happened for a long time, afterwords i closed the window and now the website is broken…
    Any ideas?? the website is

    • Sure! Let’s try the following: (assuming you tried all the steps in this tutorial)

      1. Activate WP_DEBUG in your WordPress
      2. Then try to import the file again
      3. Afterwards, check the “error log file” and get the latest lines that have the same hour time as the time where you were importing the file.

      This should help us determine the source of the problem.

      Waiting patiently for your answer 🙂

      PS: By the way, what hosting are you importing the file to?

        • Hi Lucie,

          You basically login through either FTP or your file manager and you change the word “false” to “true” in your wp-config.php file.

          You can find out how to edit your file by following this tutorial.

    • Hey Douglas,

      Hmm, this seems to be like a file permission issue set by the hosting provider. Can you tell me the hosting company to which you are importing your backup file?

      “Assuming you exported your backup file successfully”

      • Thanks alot for your response. It’s was a plug-in conflict error, after I deleted all the plug-in, I was able to restore my website.

        • I’m glad to hear that your issue was resolved Douglas. Thanks for taking the time to let us know about the source of the issue.

          Would you mind telling me which plugin that was conflicting in case someone faces the same issue?

  45. Hello. I’ve been trying to use this method. Installed an older version of All-in-One migration, but the wordpress doesn’t allow me to activate it, saying that there’s a newer version that I should update to. But, the newer version gets stuck at 100% so I can’t import the website. Anyone having the same issue?

    • Hi Lucia, That’s weird that WordPress doesn’t let you activate the plugin. I’ve never heard of such a case before except for some managed WordPress hosts who prevent using such plugins because they’re in their blacklists.

      1. Can you tell me in which host do you currently have your website(s) on?
      2. Another possibility, is that I’m suspecting perhaps the old version of the plugin isn’t compatible with your PHP version. Can you set an old PHP version like 7.0 or even 5.6
      • Hi Support, thank you for your message. I’m with Dreamhost, and I had to build my website the second time on the live server, just by looking at the ready one on the local server. PHP version that runs on the host server is 7.4.20. I don’t think I’m allowed to mess up with their server?

        • Thanks Lucia for clarifying.

          When you are on your plugins page, you can either use the “Activate” link, which I’m sure you already tried, or just “check the box” of the plugin, and then go up on the top of the list, and then choose from the “select box” -> Activate and press “Apply”.

          On a different note, surely you can change the PHP version, the feature to select a different PHP version exists for a reason, so the worst-case scenario if changing the PHP version affects some of your website’s functionalities, you can always set it back to the original version. It’s always reversible, so don’t worry about that.

          So, kindly try another version (older one) and let me know about your results.

          • he needs to delete the version that he has first , then he should upload the older version of the plugin

  46. Thank you SO MUCH! I was nearly dying since my website broke after a PHP update… This is really working. Thank you again!

  47. I was so frustrated trying to transfer my local site to my new host, and I was about to give up when I found this guide. The steps were so simple and they solved my importing problem in two minutes. Thank you so much!!!

  48. Hey, appreciate your post. It really helped me. I was stuck at 100% with latest all in one wp migration plugin. Now am happy as uploading a older plugin version helped me. Thank you.

  49. I need help. I did all the steps, but it sucks on “Please do not close this browser window or your import will fail”

    • Hi Nada,

      I might be able to help you out with your problem. If I may ask, what hosting are you using?

      • I am having the same issue I am on A2 hosting and have used this plugin many times and now it just keeps sticking at either 64% o r66% I have even tried putting the file in the backup folder and restoring from a back up and the same sticking point. I am wondering if it is a PHP Version conflict

        • Hi Glen,

          If you just moved up to A2 Hosting and you’re trying to migrate your website there, in case you didn’t know, as a new client you have a “Free Migration” service that you can use, their support team will take care of the migration for you.

          But if you want to do it yourself, first you need to enable the “debug_mode” of WordPress, afterwards, you try the import again, and see what you get in the “error log”. Let me know what you find there so I can be able to better help.

    • You are very much welcome 🙂 Thank you for your kind comment! I’m glad everything is sorted out!

  50. I am migrating a site for a client. I am having this issue with All In One being stuck at 100 during import. The client is not providing the hosting account information, is there a way to upload into FTP without the hosting account info?

    • If your client can provide you with the hosting information it would make the job a lot easier and quicker to complete.
      For starters, you can install the WordPress plugin called “Advanced File Manager“, which will allow you to directly edit the core files like .htaccess or wp-config.php of your site so you can increase some of the PHP variables that might be causing this backup process to get stuck.

      Please note that this procedure is not recommended, because if you type something wrong in the code and you save it, this might trigger a fatal error and crash your site, and in order to unlock it, you’d need access to the FTP or hosting panel to correct the mistake. So I’d be careful with this method!

      The best course would be to explain this to your client, as this will make their migration safer, smoother, and quicker. They might understand 🙂

  51. thank you, but the solution for big file is increase the file size in import action
    but still there is a problem in the upload file size which is restricted to 15MB.
    Thanks again

    • Glad to help Mona! Well the same procedure worked for the others. Perhaps you can copy-paste the line for “increase the file size” to check if you’ve done it properly!
      The upload limit of “15MB” is way too low, even for a default configuration. You either entered the wrong value in the file size, or your host is setting a very restrictive limitation.

    • Hi Mona,
      I accidentally fixed it! Downloaded and activated the latest All-in-one migration plugin and then used the WP File Manager to change the max file size as shown above. That alone doesn’t do shit, but when go to ‘import’ and click on ‘get unlimited’ you can get an extension plugin for up to 512mb. Once you install and activate that extension for All-in-on migration you initial changes to the max file size push through. I now have over 2000TB!

      Hope this helps!

  52. Your backup method worked perfectly. I appreciate your post as I have spent an hour trying to migrate from local to the hosting site in vain. Much appreciate it.

    • Thank you for your kind comment Yohan, it means a lot 🙂 I’m happy to know that you solved your problem!

  53. Hello, I am trying to import my backup on local machine, but still nothing happens, it stuck at some point, I do have full version of plugin “All in on migration” it does not help, I did downgrade of wordpress it did not helped, I tried to increase size with steps you provided, it did not help 🙂 any suggestions what I can do ? I am using xampp

    • Hi Denisas 🙂
      Could you please elaborate on result you’re getting “nothing happens”? Does the upload start and get stuck at some point? How big is the file you’re trying to restore? Did you please directly in the folder? You might want to check your php configuration aswell by creating info.php file to check if the php values are right like I mentioned.
      Let me know how it goes Denisas!

      • one of the things that happens -> devtools throws error “admin-ajax.php:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)” , but my xampp is running correctly, at least I think it is 🙂
        my file is 600MG size, and allowed import value is 8GB or if I upload full version it is unlimite

        • Hmm, usually the 500 error indicates a problem originating from the hosting server, but in your case since you are using Xampp, we shall assume that it’s coming from it’s local server configuration.
          Can you try to increase the value of “max_execution_time” to 600, because even if the “max_size” of your file is good, you’d still get an error. So make sure to restart your server after increasing the value and check the info.php file to make sure that it went up.
          By the way, what do your xampp “php error log files” say? This sounds more like either a conflict, or low memory issues server side.

          PS: Try to disable all your other plugins while going through this procedure.

  54. Thanks for this info! The first option saved me tearing my hair out when migrating my websites and kept getting the stuck on a certain percentage issue!

    • Hehe! You are not the only one, almost everyone who was in the process of migration faced this issue at least once at some point ^_^ Anyway I’m glad everything is sorted out 🙂

  55. I was stuck all day long trying to figure it out!How to upload my site!
    You made it happened!
    Amazing!Well explained and finally it worked out pretty well!
    Thanks Mate

  56. My import is stuck at around 26-36 %. I have increased server limitations, didn’t help. I am trying the restore backup but even the old version of plugin is limited to 512 mb and my file is larger…

    • Thank you for your comment Maja. I noticed that you are not the only one facing the 512 mb limitation issue, so I took the liberty of updating this tutorial by adding a dedicated section to help you increase the upload limit, kindly check it:
      New Section Link

      Let me know if this helps!

  57. Thanks, My site is now up and running.
    I migrated my local site to my hosting package, i have been tring to upload the new site for months.
    Thanks Again

    • Thank you for your comment Andrew 🙂 I’m pleased to hear that this guide helped solve the issue you were having with your site!

    • Thanks Julian! It means a lot hearing you say that! I’m really glad that my article was able to help you with your problem.

  58. Just wanted to say thank you for providing these instructions. You saved me from pulling my hair out on a WordPress xfer that kept getting stuck. Method #1 worked like a charm. Much appreciated

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m really pleased to know that it was a big help to your problem. Glad now that everything is solved for you!

  59. thank you so much for this explanation! I was able to restore a backup on a blank wordpress installation, after moving my website to a different hosting company. Although everything look exactly the same in the wordpress admin area, when I open my website in another browser it is just an empty wordpress page. I updated the permalinks, but I guess something is still not right there. Do you recognise this problem? Could you help me with it? Thank you!

    • Hmmm, if the page is empty, then for starter I advise you to turn on the Debug mode: ON in WordPress, we need to know the nature of that error. Let me know of the error message you get.

  60. I tried but again when I’m Restoring at the point of Restoring Database it’s running but not do anything after Half hour when I go to my website is like -This site can’t be reached
    Please Help Me Step by Step

    • Hi Amrit,

      Your issue can happen for many reasons:

      • 1.) Most of the time it’s because of different PHP versions between servers. So make sure to downgrade your PHP version to 5 in both servers.
      • 2.) Make sure you have increased all your PHP values to the maximum.
      • 3.) Deactivate all plugins except All-in-One WP migration, to make sure the issue isn’t triggered by a third-party plugin.
      • 4.) Try to zip the backup file .wpress and then upload it to your file manager.
      • 5.) If you think that all your files were restored successfully, you can try to export/import your database from PHPMyAdmin manually to complete the process.
      • 6.) In some rare cases, the problem can be because of missing PHP modules on the new host, like: xml, curl, json.

      On the other hand, to help determine the source of the problem, i advise you to do the following to get the following answers:

      • A.) First, Enable WP_DEBUG to TRUE on your wp-config.php file before initiating the backup. If you get the error again, check your error.log file and tell me what it says.
      • B.) We need to make sure that it’s not because of your hosting limitations, so create a PHP info file and check your PHP values from there.
      • C.) How big is your .wpress backup file?
      • D.) Can you try to export your database from PHPMyAdmin and see how big it is?
      • E.) On which hosting do you get this restoring problem on?

      Let me know if this helps Amrit.

  61. Great article, solution #1 almost work for me, but that version wont allow the upload max file size to be updated. Any suggestions on how to force this change?

    • Hi Eddy,

      1.) If you haven’t already tried the following, I advise you to increase the upload max file size as recommended in Solution #3 by adding the lines of codes with the proper values you see fit.

      2.) In case that doesn’t work, try to change the following value inside the “constants.php” file of the plugin. You can either do that through “WordPress editor / FTP / or your Hosting file manager”. Search for the following section and copy-paste the following values

      // =================
      // = Max File Size =
      // =================
      define( 'AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE', 536870912 * 20 );

      3.) There is also the possibility that your hosting provider has set a limit to the upload max file size. if I may ask, which hosting are you using?

      Let us know if that works for you! Hope that helps!


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